Friday, 13 February 2009

Our Visit to Priest's House Museum

As part of our Victorians topic we went to Priest's House to learn about life as a domestic servant. We learnt how to make paper spills to light the range. We were also shown how the Victorians washed their clothes using a wooden dolly or a poss stick, followed by wringing them with a mangle. Instead of using washing powder, they used large bars of coal tar soap.

We had the chance to look at lots of victorian artefacts and to learn about the way they cooked and cleaned a hundered years ago. Some of us enjoyed making lemonade and toast.

Look at our Victorian Day photographs.

We all dressed up as Victorian school children. Our hall was set up as a Victorian classroom for the day.We sat in rows, with boys on one side and girls on the other. Mr Edwards was our very stern teacher. We were frightened that we might receive Victorian punishments but fortunately, nobody got the cane!

Before we started our work, we said prayers.

We learnt to write with genuine victorian ink pens and had to be extremely careful not to blot our copy books.